J. Allan Hobson, MD (International Coordinator)

Professor of Psychiatry,
Harvard Medical School
Professor, Department of Psychiatry,
Beth Israel Deaconess Medical Center
Other Affiliation(s):
Massachusetts Mental Health Center
Address: 138 High Street, Brookline MA 02445 USA
Phone: 617-734-3812
Email: allan.hobson@hms.harvard.edu
Society Memberships
Society for Neuroscience
Society for Sleep Research
Research Interests
Quantifying mental events and correlating them with quantified brain events, with special reference to waking, sleeping and dreaming.
Relevant literature:
HOBSON, J. A. & PACE-SCHOTT, E. F. (2002) The cognitive neuroscience of sleep: Neuronal systems, consciousness and learning. Nature Reviews Neuroscience, 3, 679-693.
HOBSON, J. A., PACE-SCHOTT, E. F. & STICKGOLD, R. (2000) Dreaming and the brain: Toward a cognitive neuroscience of conscious states. Behavioral and Brain Sciences, 23, 793-842.
HOBSON, J. A. (1994) The chemistry of conscious states: How the brain changes its mind, Boston Mass. u.a., Little Brown.
Vienna Conference on Consciousness 2007
- ©epo-film/Franz Vana
Department für Verhaltensbiologie
Universität Wien
T: +43-1-4277-54460
F: +43-1-4277-54506