Joanna Bryson
Przibram Fellow of the KLI for Evolution and Cognition Research
Konrad Lorenz Institute for Evolution and Cognition Research
Adolf Lorenz Gasse 2
A-3422, Altenberg, AUSTRIA
Tel.: +43-2242-32390-0
Fax: +43-2242-32390-4
Homepage at the University of Bath, UK
Joanna Bryson has been researching artificial and natural intelligence since 1992, and has over 50 peer-reviewed publications on the topics. She is a lecturer in Computer Science at the University of Bath (United Kingdom) where she founded Artificial Models of Natural Intelligence. She also serves the European Commission as an expert on Cognitive Systems. She holds degrees in Behavioral Science (Chicago), Artificial Intelligence (Edinburgh), Psychology (Edinburgh) and Computer Science (MIT). She has also worked for Harvard and several companies, including LEGO. She is currently in Austria on sabbatical from Bath, supported by the Hans Przibram Fellowship in EvoDevo at the Konrad Lorenz Institute for Evolution and Cognition Research.
Relevant literature:
BRYSON, J. J. (2008) Embodiment versus Memetics''. Mind & Society, 7, 77-94.
BRYSON, J. J. & LEONG, C. S. (2007) Primate Errors in Transitive `Inference'. Animal Cognition, 10, 1-15.
PRESCOTT, T. J., BRYSON, J. J. & SETH, A. K. (2007) Introduction. Modelling Natural Action Selection''. In PRESCOTT, T. J., BRYSON, J. J. & SETH, A. K. (Eds.) Modelling Natural Action Selection. Philosophical Transactions of the Royal Society, B -- Biology 362(1485).
BRYSON, J. J. (2006) The Attentional Spotlight. Minds and Machines, 16, 1-28.
BRYSON, J. J. (2004) Consciousness is Easy but Learning is Hard. The Philosophers Magazine, 28, 70-72.
BRYSON, J. J. (2002) Language isn't Quite That Special, commentary on Carruthers. Behavioral and Brain Sciences, 25, 679-380.
BRYSON, J. J. (2000) Cross-Paradigm Analysis of Autonomous Agent Architecture. Journal of Experimental and Theoretical Artificial Intelligence 12, 165-190.
Vienna Conference on Consciousness 2008
- ©epo-film/Franz Vana
Department für Verhaltensbiologie
Universität Wien
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F: +43-1-4277-54506