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Friday, November 6 


18:30 Opening ceremonies


18:40 Remembering John Dittami

         With Karl Grammer & Fred Bookstein


Friday night session and CogSci Talk

Moderator: Prof. Dr. Thomas Bugnyar (Dep. of Cognitive Biology, University of Vienna)


19:00 Free will and the management of actions”, Prof. Dr. Dietrich Doerner

          (Inst. for Theoretical Psychology, University of Bamberg, Germany


19:30 Discussion with contributions from

         Dr. Michael Schmitz (Inst. of Philosophy, University of Vienna)

         Dr. Paolo Petta (Austrian Research Institute for Artificial Intelligence)


20:30 – 21:30 Fingerfood and wine


Saturday, November 7

8:30 Opening ceremonies


Session 1:

Moderator: Former Vice-Rector Univ. Prof. Dr. Susanne Weigelin-Schwiedrzik (University of Vienna)


9:00 “Are our self and its consciousness in the brain? A neuropsychiatric and neurophilosophical adventure trip, Prof. Dr. Georg Northoff

(Inst. of Mental Health Research, University of Ottawa, Canada)


9:30 Discussion with contributions from

Emer. Prof. Dr. Lüder Deecke (Dep. of Clinical Neurology, Medical                        University of Vienna)

Prof. Dr. Matthew Ratcliffe (Inst. of Philosophy, University of Vienna) 



10:30 – 11:00  Coffee break                            




Session 2:

Moderator: Former Vice-Rector Univ. Prof. Dr. Susanne Weigelin-Schwiedrzik (University of Vienna)


11:00 “Manifestations of the Will. On Mind and Brain”, Prof. Dr. Dieter Sturma,

(Inst. of Science and Ethics, University of Bonn, Germany) 


11:30 Discussion with contributions from

Prof. Dr. Dennis Patterson (Inst. of Law, European University Institute,                   Italy)


Prof. Dr. Ursula Schmidt-Erfurth (Dep. of Ophthalmology and Optometry, Medical University of Vienna)  



12:30 - 14:00 Lunch



Session 3:

Moderator: Former Dean of the Faculty of Life Science emer. Univ. Prof. Dr. Christian Noe (University of Vienna)


14:00 “Anthropomorphizing: (un)conscious mechanisms of matching the self with the relevant features of the individual environment”, Prof. Dr. Kurt Kotrschal

(Dep. of Behavioural Biology, University of Vienna)


14:30 Discussion with contributions from

Prof. Dr. Hermann Prossinger (Dep. of Anthropology, University of                       Vienna)

Prof. Dr. Gustav Bernroider (Dep. of Neurobiology, University of                            Salzburg)



15:30-16:00 Coffee break  



Session 4:

Moderator: Prof. Dr. Henriette Löffler-Stastka (Clinic of Psychoanalysis and Psychotherapy, Medical University of Vienna)


16:00 “Limits of “the scientific method” in nearly normal brains: the case of fetal alcohol spectrum disorder“, Prof. Dr. Fred Bookstein

(Dep. of Statistics, University of Washington, USA)


16:30 Discussion with contributions from

Prof. Dr. Ulrich Ansorge (Dep. of Psychology, University of Vienna) and

Prof. Dr. Bernhard Wallner (Dep. of Behavioural Biology, University of                  Vienna)


17:30 Summary of the day´s deliberations and conclusions: 

Prof. DDDr. Felix Tretter, Ludwig Maximilian University of Munich


18:00 End of conference



Vienna Conference on Consciousness
Department für Verhaltensbiologie
Universität Wien

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F: +43-1-4277-54506
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